TMJ dysfunction

The TMJ (Temporo-Mandibular Joint) is the joint that allows the jaw to open and close. The jaw joint allows movement between the mandible (jaw bone) and the skull. Muscles attached to the skull and jaw bone cause the jaw bone to move as the mouth is opened and closed.

Problems often involve pain or clicking of the joint. Your dentist will be able to discuss the options available for treatment.
Problems with the function of this joint are common, and referred to as TMJ dysfunction or TMJ disorder. Symptoms include joint pain, clicking or popping of the jaw, limited opening, earaches and headaches.
Factors causing these problems can be grouped into two types: problems linked to the muscles working the joint, and problems inside the joint itself. Causes can include increased muscle activity (‘parafunction’), increased sensitivity to pain, wear and tear to the inside of the joint, certain types of arthritis, and injury.
Recommended treatment for TMJ dysfunction is dependent on individual circumstances, considering the severity of the problem and the cause.
Common treatments include –
• Rest
• Exercises
• Physical Therapy
• Pain Killers
• Habit control - with the use of night time splits
• Use of a bite splint to help the jaw muscles relax
• Manual adjustment of the bite by grinding the teeth - occlusal adjustment
• Reconstructive dentistry
• Orthodontics

Our dental team will arrange an initial consultation where they will discuss your individual symptoms and suggest a treatment plan.